
To use autosig in a project:

from autosig import *

To define a signature:

api_sig = Signature(x = param(default=0, converter=int))

To associate that signature with a function:

def entry_point(x=0)
    # signature executed here, in this case int conversion
    return x

The same works with methods, just leave the self argument out:

class C:
    def entry_point(self, x=0)
        # signature executed here, in this case int conversion
        return x

Simple signatures can be combined to for more complex ones:

sig = Signature(x=param())+Signature(y=param())

Signatures can now include return values:

api_sig = Signature(Retval(validator=int), x = param(default=0, converter=int))

You can skip signatures altogehter and just capture commonalities between arguments with the argumentless form of the decorator:

x_arg = param(...)
y_arg = param(...)

def entry_point(x = x_arg, y = y_arg):
    return x + y

param allows you to define a number of properties or behaviours of function arguments: validator, converter, docstring, default value, position,